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EFCC ready for Gov Kalu - RIBADU

Posted by By Chinyere Amalu on 2006/04/26 | Views: 586 |

EFCC ready for Gov Kalu - RIBADU

THE Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has said it is ready for any challenge in court from any person, group or state.

ABUJA - THE Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has said it is ready for any challenge in court from any person, group or state.

Chairman of the commission, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, speaking yesterday in Abuja against the backdrop of the suit filed against the EFCC by Governor Orji Kalu of Abia State, said the commission would never shy away from defending itself.

The EFCC boss said it was up to the court to decide all cases filed against the commission, adding that it was lawful for any citizen to register his/her displeasure over an issue in the law court.

His words; 'This is not the first time Abia State government is taking us to court, and it is not the first to do so. We are ready for them. Anybody or institution is free to charge us to court if it is not comfortable with our activities. We are operating a democratic government and so every citizen is entitled to freedom of speech and fair justice.

'It is no longer a new thing that EFCC has been dragged to court. We are used to it and so we are always ready. It is left for the court to decide on any case, whether we are to appear before it or not, it has the final say," he said.

GovernorKalu of Abia State in a suit at the Supreme Court is alleging plot by the Federal Government to paralyse governance of the state. He accused the EFCC of gathering information without due authorisation from the state.

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