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Another Lawyer, Wife Killed By Assailants

Posted by From Agaju Madugba in Kaduna on 2003/09/08 | Views: 615 |

Another Lawyer, Wife Killed By Assailants

Barely a year after the Chairman of the Onitsha branch of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Bernard Igwe and his wife who was also a lawyer were killed by unknown persons at Onitsha, Anambra State, a similar horror was visited on residents of Kurmin Marshi...

Barely a year after the Chairman of the Onitsha branch of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Bernard Igwe and his wife who was also a lawyer were killed by unknown persons at Onitsha, Anambra State, a similar horror was visited on residents of Kurmin Marshi, a suburb of Kaduna metropolis, yesterday morning, as another lawyer, Dipo Garba, 42 and his wife, Bosede, 37, were murdered by assassins at their Fulani Road residence.

The deceased were shot in the presence of their three children, including a 10-month old baby girl.

According to an eye-witness, three unidentified men allegedly dressed in army uniforms, had stormed the bungalow home of the Garbas at about 1 a.m., overpowered the guard and forced their way into the sitting room.

Incidentally, Fulani Road shares boundaries with the Kurmin Marshi Divisional Police Headquarters as well as an Army Barracks.

A family source told reporters yesterday that Dipo had engaged in combat with one of the attackers when another one shot him in the chest.

The source said the assailants also shot the wife when she tried to make a phone call, ostensibly to seek help.

The source explained that the police arrived the scene at about 3 a.m. when it was too late to rescue the couple who were found dead in a pool of blood.

Their remains were said to have been conveyed to the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Kaduna.

The police at Kurmin Marshi confirmed the incident but declined to give details. According to an officer who pleaded anonymity, "the case has been reported here. You cannot see the DPO because he has earlier told some of your colleagues (reporters) to see the PPRO at the police headquarters

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