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Port Harcourt blast: Militants claim responsibility

Posted by From Chris Ikwunze, Port Harcourt on 2006/04/21 | Views: 590 |

Port Harcourt blast: Militants claim responsibility

The Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) on Thursday claimed responsibility for the bomb explosions which rocked the the 2nd Amphibious Brigade, Bori, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, on Wednesday leaving two people dead and several others injured.

The Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) on Thursday claimed responsibility for the bomb explosions which rocked the the 2nd Amphibious Brigade, Bori, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, on Wednesday leaving two people dead and several others injured.

In an email, MEND said it detonated the 30 kg (66 lb) dynamite using a cellular telephone.

It said the attack was "symbolic rather than strategic" and served as a warning that the military was unable to protect itself, let alone workers at oilfields in Niger Delta.

The militants warned all oil workers to leave the Niger Delta and vowed to halt exports completely.

"In the coming weeks, we will carry out similar attacks against relevant oil industry targets and individuals," MEND said, adding that prominent leaders of the Ijaw tribe, who have taken advantage of the crisis to make separate demands, would be targeted in these attacks.

Earlier, the commander of the Brigade, Brig. Gen. Samuel Sanihu, confirmed the explosions, revealing that it happened between 7.30 and 8pm on Wednesday and was detonated inside a Mercedes Benz car, 200 model, with registration number DA746KJA.

The identity of the dead persons could not be ascertained as they were dismembered beyond recognition. Among those wounded were two women and four men.

The car containing the deadly explosives was parked at the popular ‘4-5 Roundabout' inside the barracks. Those killed as well as those injured were said to be walking past the car when the bomb exploded.

Residents said that the deafening sound of the explosion was heard many kilometers away, causing panic and pandemonium.

'We heard a loud bang, which shook houses and left a large ball of fire billowing up to the sky and we thought that the biblical Armageddon has finally come and many people were running helter-skelter", said a resident at the barrack who gave his name as Julius. When Daily Sun visited the barracks, Thursday, those living near the scene of the blasts had been evacuated, while heavily armed soldiers had cordoned off the entire area. Movement into the barracks was restricted to only those with a pass.

The Brigade Commander told Daily Sun that they were yet to determine whether the explosions were caused by a bomb, dynamite or grenade. Although he ruled out militants attack, he could not explain how the vehicle loaded with the explosives passed through the eagle eyes of soldiers stationed at both the entry and exit points of the barracks.

The police, on their part, said they were working on the premise that the vehicle used for the operation may have been stolen by those behind the blasts. 'Once we track down the owner of the vehicle, we'll be able to make a headway," the police said.

Sources at the military hospital, on the Port Harcourt/Aba Expressway, where the injured persons were taken to, told Daily Sun that their condition was critical as some of them had their abdomen dismembered and may require further medical attention abroad.
As at the time of going to press, a combined team of the various arms of the security agencies had been deployed to various points in the state capital.

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