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If only Idahosa were alive…

Posted by By Chiagoziem Otuechere on 2005/01/28 | Views: 836 |

If only Idahosa were alive…

He appears youthful and, at close range, you observe that the man seated across from you is as firebrand as they come. Though he speaks in measured tones, his words have an effect that is as good as a bombshell. Little wonder faithfuls have continued to throng the church in their numbers to drink from the fountain of knowledge of a man who is set to declare jubilee to adherents in the country.

He appears youthful and, at close range, you observe that the man seated across from you is as firebrand as they come. Though he speaks in measured tones, his words have an effect that is as good as a bombshell. Little wonder faithfuls have continued to throng the church in their numbers to drink from the fountain of knowledge of a man who is set to declare jubilee to adherents in the country.

But amidst the euphoria of having come, seen and conquered in the thorny path of ministry, Apostle OSA Aiyemo is a sad man. He feels that the present religious leaders have let their teeming members down. He recalls with nostalgia the days of the late Archbishop Idahosa, and his fearlessness in calling recalcitrant political leaders to order. With a shake of the head, Aiyemo declares; " Our present church leaders are hypocritical, and lack a voice to influence the government positively." Below are excerpts of his interview with Daily Sun.


I am Apostle Osigbodi Sunny Alex Aiyemo, from Kogi State. I was sovereignly called to serve at an early age. I was 13 years then, but over the years I grew to develop an intimacy with God, even right through my education.
As part of my mentoring, I served with three major ministries - Christian Pentecostal Mission, Peculiar Peoples Ministries and Christ Chapel Int'l Churches. But later on, we began following a vision that was inspired from above to proclaim the apostolic word of jubilee across the nations of the world.


So in June 1999, Jubilee Life Christian Church began. The vision of the church is to raise a supernatural people, Christ-like, and to reap mighty harvests of souls through apostolic evangelism. The main thrust of the ministry is outreach, and the OSA Aiyemo Apostolic Evangelism liases with churches at every given location to reach the unreached. As a pioneering church, we began with nothing on ground. We were financially, physically and numerically handicapped but the spirit was always there for us. God proved that He was the one that called us into ministry, and must have seen our desired interest to effectively preach the gospel irrespective of obstacles. For the first year, our membership hovered between 48 & 100 but in these five years of our existence, God has been faithful. We stand on the brink of a great move of God, as we celebrate these years of grace beyond all limits. We trust that this prophetic word will find expression over us as we advance to fulfill the fullness of a vision given by God.

Unique church

We have a message, a voice, and a flavour to impact generations, especially because it is an apostolic commission. This means that we revolve round the concept of being sent by the highest authority.
This ministry has the call to represent Christ in demonstrating His love and power by proclaiming Jubilee across the nations. We seek to empower Christians, to fulfill their destiny by exercising governmental influence in the order of Christ.

NBC ban

It depends on what is being propagated and the source from where it is being propagated. NBC doesn't have a right to stop anyone from preaching the gospel. We have a democracy. Every one has the free will to tune to whatever channel. This issue is quite controversial. A miracle is a miracle. If it weren't, then it wouldn't qualify as one.
If I don't have the ability to perform miracles then I have no moral justification to question its veracity. If a blind man sees, then what do you call that? The source might be questionable but to say that it is not genuine is debatable.

Church leaders

We must operate according to the Bible pattern of spiritual leadership. Most of our leaders have become hypocritical, shying away from the full representation of their spiritual positions. They lack voice, influence and governmental authority to call our politicians to order in alignment with the word of God. And that is why till date, I mourn the death of Archbishop Idahosa. If he had been alive, Obasanjo would have taken to his heels long time ago.

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