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FIFA rules against another election

Posted by By Onochie Anibeze on 2006/01/22 | Views: 601 |

FIFA rules against another election

World football governing body, FIFA, yesterday directed Nigeria to discontinue the move to hold another Nigeria Football Association elections.

•Gives sports ministry deadline to fault Kano election

World football governing body, FIFA, yesterday directed Nigeria to discontinue the move to hold another Nigeria Football Association elections.

The sports ministry rejected the December 29 Kano elections and quickly called for an extra ordinary congress of the FA on January 6 in Abuja where February 17 was fixed for another election.

FIFA met yesterday in Cairo with representatives of the sports ministry who called themselves 'stakeholders" and Fanny Amun, the acting scribe of the FA who, as a civil servant, played along with his bosses in the ministry. They were Amanze Uche Egbulam, Gara Gombe and Aisha Falode. Dr. Amos Adamu was also there. Nduka Irabor who is in Cairo for the Nations Cup was drafted in as he was the chairman of the electoral committee that conducted the Kano election. FIFA Secretary General, Urs Linsi and his deputy Jerome Champagne were also in the meeting. After issues were presented and heard, FIFA dismissed all the allegations against the Kano Election except one. FIFA ruled that it was no true that quorum was not formed and also dismissed the allegation of insecurity. But they took seriously the allegation that 20 of the delegates in Kano were 'illegal delegates." The sports ministry had claimed that 20 delegates were fake and no true delegates, insisting that for the '20 illegal delegates" a quorum would not have been formed.

On that, FIFA has placed the onus of proof on Fany Amun and the stakeholders. They are to establish that the 20 were truly illegal. They have seven days to do so.

FIFA also ruled that the Febraury 17 election planned by the ministry be discontinued as its process breached the statutes of the FA. FIFA also informed that they will announce their decision on the Nigerian crisis February 18.

Member of the FA, Barrister Green said yesterday that the Kano election was recorded on video and the faces of many of the delegates were recorded apart from the registration of their names.

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