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Me, my father and comedy

Posted by By ONUOHA OLIVER on 2006/01/22 | Views: 580 |

Me, my father and comedy

Muyiwa Adejumo, son of veteran comedian, Elder Moses Olaiya Adejumo, (a.k.a) Baba Sala, is a lucky man. The young actor who also became the father of the first baby of the New Year (2006) told Daily Sun he took after his father in comedy but added music as a mark of identity.

Me, my father and comedy

Friday, January 20, 2006

Muyiwa Adejumo, son of veteran comedian, Elder Moses Olaiya Adejumo, (a.k.a) Baba Sala, is a lucky man. The young actor who also became the father of the first baby of the New Year (2006) told Daily Sun he took after his father in comedy but added music as a mark of identity.

Baba Sala's style and mine

My sytle is just almost like that of my father. But for me, I still wear big glasses, the big wristwatch and tie just for identification. I really need all these for recognition because it will draw people closer to me, and also to immortalize my name. But in the real sense of it, I really cannot be like my dad, I cannot create jokes like him but I can create mine in another way.


Apart from being born to the Baba Salas family, I live a very simple and interesting life. I know my inspiration is from my father, he is a genius and I can say that he is the first comedian in Nigeria and Africa at large because the first TV station in Africa was in Nigeria and my father was the first to perform on that station.


The Nigerian entertainment industry is growing fast now and one can not just come into it. That is why I had to come in through music so that people can listen to music anywhere. I want to use it to introduce myself, I am an entertainer not a musician but I believe that as an actor, one has to be dynamic and be able to do anything to entertain the audience.

I have a remix of my father's song entitled: Kari ile, its very popular with the Yoruba and I believe Yoruba are my father's fans and that is where I want to start from because the Yoruba as a people are enough for one to make money. So, anyone who listens to the song would know it's that Baba Sala's son who is singing.


Everyone should be expecting a new style, a new way of entertaining in the comedy way and they should be expecting something good from Baba Sala's. This is not a matter of copying somebody or being like my father anyway. Some people have been saying I cannot be like my dad. I don't want to be like my father, I want to create my own style.

Target audience

I am targeting Nigeria as a whole but I am starting from the Yoruba populace. In my proposed album, I have a track that is done in Pidgin English but to start with, I need to start with my origin and that is Yoruba because I believe that's my source.

Entertainment industry

I would not want to judge the industry or say anything against the practitioners, I just want to come in with my style and those who will embrace it will do and those who will criticize it will criticise it as well. The entertainment industry is moving at a very fast pace and it's accommodating professionals. Also, professionals and people are making their fortunes, marketers, producers and even the artistes themselves.


I have been away from home for a while and when I was returning from Israel where I lived, I had already programmed everything. On my arrival, I met Julius Agwu and saw his style of musicomedy and I was surprised, I also saw other people with different styles but mine is totally different from all these. In my style, the comedy might come first and the music later or vice versa. My own kind of music is called House party music so that people will be able to dance to it, it's a different thing of its own.


I want to entertain the people and make them laugh, wipe their sorrows away and at the same time, use my TV programme, the ADAMU SHOW, to thrill people. Through my comedy, I intend to change a true-life story into a comedy because I believe a comedian can change anything whatsoever into comedy. People will not only laugh but they will acquire some knowledge and learn.

Stage performances

I am not having any plans to put up or attend any live stage performances because I tried it once and I really messed up. I respect all those stand- up comedians because it is not easy to make people laugh. I am only good on comic drama and not being on stage as a stand-up comedian, I did it once and I discovered that it's not my field and I had to drop it. I know quite that those stand-up comedians can't beat me when it comes to comic drama and I can't beat them on stage to do stand-up comedy too. I was once on stage for a talk show with Gbenga Adeyinka the first, and as I was cracking jokes, some drummers started drumming and my attention was diverted and I felt that what I was saying wasn't interesting and I had to leave the stage. That was how I discovered that I am not a stand-up comedian.


When I got back into the country, I was working on my drama entitled: Kari Ile but some people told me that I shouldn't finish it all by myself and that some marketers would like to be part of the project to enable them make some profit. That was how people changed one's dreams and change all you've worked for and if one is not strong, one can easily get frustrated.


My father is my first mentor and when it comes to stand-up comedians, I like Dejo and Gbenga Adeyinka because they both have something special inside them.

Future plans

I have a lot to offer this year and before the end of this year, the name will be boldly written in the industry and at the same time, I am trying to guide my father's name because it is an opportunity for me to use his name positively. I want to immortalise that name. My father's stage name is Lamidi and I also answered Adamu too, while I was in Israel but I now combine both names as Adamu Lamidi and sometimes I act like my dad

Father of first baby of the year

I was very happy and I know that God was trying to pass a message across to me for the entertainment industry because as I am starting this year in Nigeria, I am also just like a new born baby in the industry. I give all the glory to God and I am very happy and it's a blessing to this nation. I know through the baby, God is telling me to start what I want to do and people will celebrate with me as they have celebrated with me right from the first day of the year, so people should watch out for Muyiwa Adejumo (aka Adamu Lamidi,) Baba Sala's son.

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