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Governor's son, others donate 63 cars to musicians

Posted by From Isah Ibrahim, Gusau on 2006/01/17 | Views: 593 |

Governor's son, others donate 63 cars to musicians

ABBA was beside himself with joy at the beautiful performance of the musicians. Equally so were the aides of his father, the Zamfara State Governor Ahmed Sani Yerima.

ABBA was beside himself with joy at the beautiful performance of the musicians. Equally so were the aides of his father, the Zamfara State Governor Ahmed Sani Yerima.

The occasion was the formal inauguration at the weekend of the youth committee of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) at the J.R. Yakubu Secretariat in Gusau, the state capital. It was also an auspicious time to further the cause of the governor, who plans to contest for president in 2007.

As the musicians praised Sani, the first governor to introduce full-blown Sharia rule in Nigeria, the teenager-son's joy rose steadily. At first, he only grinned. Then a thin line of smile was noticed on his face. Thereafter came bouts of laughter. He was joined by the governor's aides, who appreciated the good display by the artistes in the effusive praise of Sani, the Yerima.

To demonstrate the depth of his joy, young Abba announced a donation: Three cars to the Hausa musicians. Not to be outdone by the boy, the well-wishers also announced their donations: Over 60 different brands of cars to the same excellent performers.

However, it was a special adviser to the governor (names withheld) who held the prize for the largest heart. He went back home bare-footed, after donating his personal car to one of the musicians.

The lucky artistes, who were invited by the Yerima Solidarity Association for 2007 Presidency, came from different parts of the country. Some others came from neighbouring Niger Republic and Ghana.

The musicians returned home with cash and motorcycles in addition to the cars.

The Guardian learnt that a famous Hausa musician, Mande Marafa, got the highest number of gifts -- seven cars -- while another artiste, Ziti Kaura, got three cars.

The governor, who addressed the august assembly, pledged to "surprise Nigerians" before April this year on his presidential bid.

He, however, did not elaborate on the surprise package.

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