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How Bulldozer slumped, died

Posted by By MUYIWA OYINLOLA and BISI OLALEYE on 2005/12/14 | Views: 664 |

How Bulldozer slumped, died

When last Sunday afternoon, Engineer Niyi Olowu, a.k.a Bulldozer, got hold of the steering and drove himself in his customised black Hummer Jeep to the corporate office of his Bulldozer Herbal Wonderland, Agege, Lagos, he had no inkling that his hours on earth were numbered.

When last Sunday afternoon, Engineer Niyi Olowu, a.k.a Bulldozer, got hold of the steering and drove himself in his customised black Hummer Jeep to the corporate office of his Bulldozer Herbal Wonderland, Agege, Lagos, he had no inkling that his hours on earth were numbered.

And when the news of his death hit the streets few hours after he assumed work in the office, his neighbours could not believe that Bulldozer had gone. In fact, the Okada riders in the area found it most strange to digest. 'This man just bought crates of soft drinks for us on Saturday," some of them lamented.

'We just heard that he slumped and died while in there," Mrs Bola Soaga, a neighbour told Daily Sun. 'In fact, he completed this building barely a year ago," she added.

The mood around the office was not in any way different from what obtained at his residence, at House 11, Road 1, Low Cost Housing Estate, Agege. Everyone around wore mournful look, as they signed the condolence register.

His widow, Mrs. Roli Olowu, Assistant Chief Information Officer with National Directorate of Employment, Lagos, struggled to utter a few words after a long sigh. 'Oh God! So this is it! But why, why?" She exclaimed, even as she was consoled by sympathisers.

'He was not sick. He was in good shape. So, this is it," she muttered, even as they tried to console her with those who recently lost their lives in the Sosoliso aircraft crash in Port-Harcourt.
The sympathizers had come from far and near, even members of her Redeemed Christian Church could only console her with the scriptures, assuring that God would take care of her and the children, adding that her husband was taken away for a purpose.

Although the children were not present in the sitting room, Daily Sun gathered that they would miss their father a great deal as 'they are all in higher institutions. One is studying pharmacy and another one is an engineer to-be," a source disclosed.

Some of the customers of the deceased who spoke to Daily Sun at one of its outlets at Pen Cinema, Agege area described him as a simple and amiable fellow, who was always ready to assist his patients.
Mrs Tolu Ajasa, who said she had been using Bulldozer's medication for quite some time, said: 'I've heard cause to meet him on a few occasions, he was a very accessible person. He took each customer as friend."

Mr Akinlade Ajakaiye stated: 'He did not base everything on money. He would freely give out medication unlike some others who would hoard everything."

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