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Its an Act of God, Says Pastor Bimbo's Mother

Posted by By Yemi Akinsuyi on 2005/12/12 | Views: 642 |

Its an Act of God, Says Pastor Bimbo's Mother

The atmosphere seemed serene, except for isolated wails, and occasional tears flowing from sympathisers, who could not hold back their emotions. Number 16, Herbert Marcaulay Street, GRA, Ikeja, received visitors as it had never done before.

The atmosphere seemed serene, except for isolated wails, and occasional tears flowing from sympathisers, who could not hold back their emotions. Number 16, Herbert Marcaulay Street, GRA, Ikeja, received visitors as it had never done before.

Sympathisers, from all  walks of life, wore long faces, unable to believe that one of the most celebrated female pastors in the continent, who specialised in the training of the youth and singles in the way of the Lord,  was no more.

The death of Pastor Abimbola Odukoya, nee Williams, came as a rude shock, not only to her immediate family and Church, the Fountain of Life Church, Ilupeju, Lagos, but to all Nigerians, who at one time or the other,  hadbenefited from her popular television programme,  "Single and Married".

Pastor Bims, as she was fondly called by her admirers, was  one of the few passengers that survived the  Sosoliso Airlines flight 1145 that crashed in Port Harcourt last Saturday.  Nigerians, both Christians and Muslims were full of prayers for her life and those other survivors. But by Sunday morning she had gone to be with the Lord.

Immediately the news of her death broke, sympathisers thronged her GRA residence to commiserate with her husband, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, and other members of the family. They gathered in groups, discussing in low tones. While some, who could not hold back emotions wept and wailed, others who seemed to have resigned to  faith moved around to console the heavy-hearted.

Although the widower would not  grant any press interview, he was busy receiving sympathizers,  most of who he had to console, telling them that the incident was an unchallengeable wisdom of God.

Married for 21 years, Pastor Bims  left behind to mourn, her husband, three children  and her aged parents, who are in their seventies.
What would have made this woman, who God was using mightily in His vineyard to die the way she did, was the question on the lips of virtually everyone that  received the news of the death of the 45 year-old woman. But this, her mother put to rest by saying the University of Ibadan, Archeology graduate died according to God's plan and design for her life.

Speaking in the house of one of her children, Segun, at Maryland Estate, Mrs. Williams would not  think that her daughter was attacked and killed by the devil, the staunch Christian woman  of faith persisted in the belief that  her daughter's death was an act of God.

Hear her, "Last Thursday as she was preaching in the church, she kept saying we should get prepared at all times since we don't know when to go. She even admonished us to leave a life of example wherever we find ourselves. These, she was saying, not knowing that she would soon go. As a Christian, I believe no evil would have been able to befall my daughter. She did not die as a result of demonic attack. Bimbo died in the plane crash because that was how God has made it to be.

"I know very well that she has gone to rest in the bosom of the Lord. Although she called me before boarding the Sosoliso Aircraft and told me she was tired. I would have preferred her to have rested and probably go the following day, but in all things, I will give God the glory, no matter what. Because He knows everything and the right thing to do at the right time".

The Septuagenarian, who  said she would mourn her daughter privately tried hard to hide her sorrow.

"Pastor Bimbo was larger than life. She torched each life she got in contact with in the positive way. She was a child of blessing, not only to the family but to her own generation. She was lovely and caring. A child more than two hundred. We will all miss her, no doubt. We should all try and console ourselves and seek the face of the Lord. Whoever loves her should live for what she died for.

"What else do you want to hear from me. How do you want me to face our church's congregation. I don't even know how I will feel peeping towards where my daughter usually sit without seeing her there anymore. I don't even know what to say than to accept the will of God for my life", stated the mother of the anti-fornication Pastor.

Efforts to speak with the husband proved abortive as the pastor's personal security aides prevented THISDAY from getting across to him for interview.

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