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Loyola College PTA Speaks Out Tomorrow

Posted by This Day Online on 2005/12/12 | Views: 584 |

Loyola College PTA Speaks Out Tomorrow

The Parent/Teacher Association of Loyola Jesuit College, which lost 62 students in the weekend Sosoliso Port Harcourt crash would address newsmen in Abuja tomorrow.

The Parent/Teacher Association of Loyola Jesuit College, which lost 62 students in the weekend Sosoliso Port Harcourt crash would address newsmen in Abuja tomorrow.

The news conference is to make public the feelings of the parents over the crash and the state of air transportation in Nigeria.

According to one of the coordinators of the news conference, Honourable Abike Dabiri, the "parents are going to push for a stringent measure to be taken to safeguard air transportation in the country."

She disclosed that after the news conference the parents body would visit the leadership of the National Assembly to submit its position papers on the air accident.

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