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It's a pity if some people still talk of third term for Obasanjo - Ibrahim

Posted by Chioma Anyagafu, Assistant Editor on 2005/12/10 | Views: 603 |

It's a pity if some people still talk of third term for Obasanjo - Ibrahim

Alhaji Isyaku Ibrahim is a member of the Board of Trustees of the PDP, a critic of nomination of party officials by selection and bares his mind on today's national convention amid fears of a third term agenda.

Alhaji Isyaku Ibrahim is a member of the Board of Trustees of the PDP, a critic of nomination of party officials by selection and bares his mind on today's national convention amid fears of a third term agenda.

The PDP is set for another national convention and the incumbent party national chairman is on the verge of being retained. What does it portend for democracy and zoning in PDP?

The so-called national chairman, how did he emerge? He did not emerge through a fair election. He was selected by the presidency and nobody has the authority to nominate somebody as the national chairman of our party. So, I think the presidency and its henchmen should read the party's constitution again. If they fail to read the constitution of the PDP and want the convention, it is because they have been selected again and that is wrong.

Such convention is null and avoid. I expect the PDP, a party in government to learn to respect the constitution of the party and follow the due process of the constitution of the party. Also, the PDP as a party in government should learn to respect the constitution of this country because we are practising democracy and democracy is the rule of law. We don't need anybody to lecture us. If PDP does not conduct its convention democratically, then, Nigeria is in a big problem.

There are speculations that the national convention would be an opportunity to propagate the third term agenda...
It is their problem because I'm very conversant with the constitution of Nigeria. PDP as a party that claims it believes in democracy and the rule of law should not now sit down and violate the party and the constitution of the country simply because an individual wants to achieve something. So, as far as I'm concerned, the question of third term does not arise because there was a gentleman agreement between the Southern politicians and Northern politicians about power shift.
So, this third term thing, I don't know whether the campaign is in favour of the South or in favour of Obasanjo. But if they are talking about Nigeria and the people of Nigeria within the PDP, the question of third term does not arise.
So, the North is still interested in....

It is not a question of still being interested. There was an agreement, a gentleman agreement. That was why in 1999, the two presidential candidates were from the South. People who are talking about third term are not conversant with what Nigerian politicians agreed between 1998 to 1999.

The fear now is that if the national chairman of PDP emerges from the North as Ali wants to be retained, it would be difficult to produce a presidential candidate from the same zone. Or what do you think?

That is their own problem. The PDP knows very well what it is supposed to do and if the PDP will not honour this agreement based on one individual difference, then, it's really a pity. We are talking about power shift. I believe you know that the Northern caucus has met in Kaduna. A communique was issued. Your paper published it. We stand by that.
So, the PDP as a party in government, should learn to do things in accordance with the law of the country and their own constitution. They should respect the rule of law of this country. This is absolutely necessary.


Third term agenda or not, North won't negotiate 2007 presidency with anybody - Lawan

HON. Farouk Lawan is a member of the Federal House of Representatives. He shares his views on today's national convention of PDP and the third term controversy that has refused to die.

What are your expectations at the party's convention?

I'm expecting the convention to be calm and peaceful. I'm also expecting that the old stakeholders will have the opportunity to think and realise the need for greater harmony in the party, the need for greater accommodation of different shades of opinion.
With Ahmadu Ali almost sure of keeping his seat, would it still be possible for the North to produce the next presidential candidate since you can't have the national chairman of the party and the presidential candidate coming from the same zone?
I don't think that matters now. What we are talking about is not leadership of the country, but leadership of the party. But I know that as soon as the time comes, the presidential candidate must emerge from the North. It is the turn of the North and the North will produce the President. That is my position. The presidency is not negotiable as far as the North is concerned. We are serious about that. It's not an issue that can be debated.

It is the turn of the North and third term agenda or not, we must produce the president come 2007. Party leadership is not political governance. The party chairman can come from anywhere. His job is to lead the party and not to lead the country. It is the President that leads the country and that is the turn of the North to produce.

Aminu: With Ali as chairman, there will be changes after if...
Alhaji Isyaku Ibrahim is a member of the Board of Trustees of the PDP, a critic of nomination of party officials by selection and bares his mind on today's national
Prof. Jubril Aminu, a serving senator of the Federal Republic, was Nigeria's ambassador to the United States. He speaks on today's convention of the party.

Speculation is rife that PDP would likely retain General Ahmadu Ali as its national chairman...

I want him retained. I think he really deserves to continue in office. We are going to have a peaceful convention.
Is it possible for PDP to have its national chairman and presidential candidate from the same zone, assuming the North is still interested in producing the next President?

I think for now, we are focusing attention on the national chairman of the party and other national officers.
That is my own understanding. When it comes to nomination of the presidential candidate of the party, it is by zoning. If the president is to be zoned to the North, other appropriate modifications would be made.
The larger insinuation is that with Ali maintaining his present position as the national chairman of the party, it indirectly confirms the third term agenda of President Obasanjo...

I cannot answer that. All I know is that the PDP will win presidential election in 2007. The mushroom parties would lose. The only party of the moment is PDP. I don't see any party posing a challenge to us.
What about MDD and MRD?

I don't see those posing any challenge or danger to the PDP. They are not even registered political parties. Some of their members were part of PDP and some have returned to the party and I know, those who won't have anything to lose.

Is the convention going to resolve the third term controversy?

The national convention is meant to select the national officers of the party, not to discuss any third-term agenda.
Has the senate taken position on the issue of third term?

It has not been discussed yet. The amendment of the Constitution started afresh since the other Senate did not conclude on the amendment. Right now, the committee is working and we don't have any third term agenda on the floor of the senate yet.

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