Galadima has been under severe ">

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Fifa extends life of Nigeria's FA

Posted by BBC Sports on 2005/11/29 | Views: 588 |

Fifa extends life of Nigeria's FA

World football governing body Fifa has given the Nigeria Football Association (NFA) 20 extra days in which to organise elections.

Nigeria FA chairman Ibrahim Galadima

Galadima has been under severe criticism


World football governing body Fifa has given the Nigeria Football Association (NFA) 20 extra days in which to organise elections.

"Fifa has written to us that the present board can stay in office until 19 December," said NFA spokesman Robinson Okosun.

"This extension is to allow for time to plan and conduct a fresh election."

The tenure of the NFA board, led by Ibrahim Galadima and voted in three years ago, expires on Tuesday.

Before Fifa's latest pronouncment, Galadima announced NFA board elections would take place in March, after the end of the African Nations Cup.

Galadima said conducting elections this year would derail plans for Nigeria's preparations for the Nations Cup.

Critics have accused Galadima and board members of planning to remain in office.

Nigeria, which finished third at the 2004 Nations Cup in Tunisia, failed to qualify for the next year's World Cup finals in Germany.