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PDP expels Alamieyeseigha: Relocates to Hometown

Posted by By Jacob Edi, Abuja on 2005/11/25 | Views: 582 |

PDP expels Alamieyeseigha: Relocates to Hometown

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Thursrday rose from its National Working Committee meeting and recommended to the National Executive Committee (NEC) the dismissal of embattled Governor Diepriye Alamieyesiagha of Bayelsa state.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Thursrday rose from its National Working Committee meeting and recommended to the National Executive Committee (NEC) the dismissal of embattled Governor Diepriye Alamieyesiagha of Bayelsa state.

The NWC also said it endorsed the governor's earlier suspension from the party by the state chapter of the party in Bayelsa as well as the decision of the State House of Assembly to commence the process of impeaching the governor.

A strongly worded statement by PDP's National Publicity Secretary, John Odey, noted that the governor's involvement in the alleged money laundering and possesion of large sum of hard currency had deeply injured the party and the nation,

"The governor's involvement in money laundering and possesion of large sums of British pounds sterling running into billions of naira and his arrest in London on September 15 and the unfortunate bail jump contravenes not only Britian's laws but that of the federal republic of Nigeria."

Odey who had earlier dismissed news of the Bayelsa governor's sudden return as rumour noted that the doctrine of transparency and accountability of the PDP government in the last six years has been deeply injured by the governor's behaviour.

While saying the party cannot fold its arms to watch the scandal caused by the governor's behaviour, odey said the party's decision was to serve as a deterant to others "in the face of this assault on its integrity and that of the nation."

The statement urged the Federal Government to ensure that appropriate measures are taken in bringing the full wrath of the law on the Bayelsa governor.

"Members of the Bayelsa State assembly have been asked to spare no effort in carrying out your constitutional responsibility under section 128(2)(b) and section 188 of the 1999 constitution. This step is necessary to restore integrity to the party and Nigeria."

The statement said the NWC viewed as unfortunate statements credited to Vice President Atiku Abubakar saying he had been de-registered by the party. "The party believes the VP was misquoted since the party chairman Dr. Amadu Ali registered the Vice president.

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