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Delta Police nab 234 armed robbery suspects

Posted by By Austin Ogwuda on 2005/11/24 | Views: 587 |

Delta Police nab 234 armed robbery suspects

DELTA State police command says that in its determination to bring down crime wave, that it has made a big haul through the arrest of 234 armed robbery suspects while stolen goods worth over N26.5 million were recovered within the last seven months.

ASABA - DELTA State police command says that in its determination to bring down crime wave, that it has made a big haul through the arrest of 234 armed robbery suspects while stolen goods worth over N26.5 million were recovered within the last seven months.

The state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Udom Ekpoudom told Vanguard in Asaba yesterday, while reviewing the activities of the command since he took over in April this year, noted that the feat was achieved through hard work and commitment on the part of his officers, but lamented that one major task facing the command is ensuring that the huge arms in the hands of unauthorized persons in the state were recovered.

His words, 'it is a fact that since my arrival to date, the crime wave in the state has gone down drastically. There is no magic about the whole thing and if I want to call it magic the magic there is commitment and hard work.
"If you know you are committed to what you are doing, you must have to achieve your plan.
'If you have a glance of what happened last year between April and October and what happened this year between April and October and last year between April and October the number of armed robbery cases reported in the state stood at 103. This year between April and October the number has reduced drastically to 38. No magic there the magic is that we have increased anti-crime patrol.

"We are implementing the 10-point programme of the IG. We gather intelligence and work on these things. In the same vein armed robbers arrested last year between April and October, the number stood at 121, but this year since my arrival between April and October we have arrested 234 robbers you have seen an increase there also.

"Armed robbers killed in a shoot-out with the police during the period last year were 54 because in some cases, you cannot arrest armed robbers unless you exchange fire with them. This year, the same period, April to October, unfortunately 59 of them died.

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