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Alamieyeseigha's move to halt impeachment suffers setback

Posted by By Emma Amaize & Sam Oyadongha on 2005/11/24 | Views: 595 |

Alamieyeseigha's move to halt impeachment suffers setback

MOVE by Governor Diepreye Alamieyeseigha to abort his planned impeachment by the State House of Assembly suffered a setback, Monday, as the Speaker, Peremobowei Ebebi, the Deputy Speaker, Bright Erewari and other members of the House were summoned to Lagos soon after the news of his arrival into the country was confirmed to prevent him from lobbying them to abandon the process.

YENAGOA - MOVE by Governor Diepreye Alamieyeseigha to abort his planned impeachment by the State House of Assembly suffered a setback, Monday, as the Speaker, Peremobowei Ebebi, the Deputy Speaker, Bright Erewari and other members of the House were summoned to Lagos soon after the news of his arrival into the country was confirmed to prevent him from lobbying them to abandon the process.

Vanguard had reported an alleged plan by some members of the House to commence impeachment process on the governor, yesterday, but his sudden arrival in Yenagoa in the early hours of yesterday caught everybody unawares.

A source told Vanguard that when it became clear that the lawmakers might not have the courage to go ahead with the process with the governor in town, a plan was hatched to move them out of town.

It was not known whether it was a coincidence but men of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) invited the Speaker and all the members of the House the same day the governor sneaked into the country.

None of the legislators was at the Assembly complex in Yenagoa, which is being guarded by policemen for sitting and no reason was given for their absence. Officially, the lawmakers were said to have been invited by the EFCC over its ongoing investigation on the manner they spent money for their constituency projects but information at our disposal indicated that the lawmakers were told to sign the impeachment papers or face prosecution for fraud allegedly committed by them.

It was learnt that the Assembly was to have served the governor with an impeachment notice, this week, and to ensure that the game plan was not changed with the arrival of the governor, the lawmakers were invited to Lagos to put to pen to paper on the necessary documents.

The Speaker and some other leaders of the House who Vanguard contacted, yesterday, said they were in Lagos but did not give details of their encounter with the EFCC.

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