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Alamieyeseigha's escape is a national embarrassment

Posted by Adeolu Oyinlola on 2005/11/23 | Views: 573 |

Alamieyeseigha's escape is a national embarrassment

The escape of Governor DSP Alamieiyeseigha of Bayelsa State from house arrest in London is going to portray Nigerians in extremely bad light before the international community.

The escape of Governor DSP Alamieiyeseigha of Bayelsa State from house arrest in London is going to portray Nigerians in extremely bad light before the international community.

Taken especially together with Governor Joshua Dariye of Plateau State's earlier surreptitious exit from the United Kingdom in virtually the same manner last year, one cannot but marvel at the kind of questionable characters that pervade the nation's corridors of power.

It behoves the Federal and Bayelsa State governments to spare no efforts in ensuring that this second fugitive governor and his Plateau State co-traveler are ‘shipped' back to Britain to answer for their crimes.

The United Kingdom authorities should also, as a matter of utmost urgency, introduce (like the Americans have done) the capturing of visa applicants' fingerprints to prevent felons from running from justice.

In all probability, these governors, who are a disgrace to themselves and the nation at large, must have sneaked out of Britain, traveling on passports other than theirs. What a shame!

Adeolu Oyinlola,

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