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Let Obasanjo ride on

Posted by Ahmed Adegbenro on 2005/11/04 | Views: 589 |

Let Obasanjo ride on

The current debate concerning the extension of the tenure of President Olusegun Obasanjo beyond 2007 refers. I believe that all Nigerians have seen and felt the great development his administration has brought to all sectors of the nation's economy

The current debate concerning the extension of the tenure of President Olusegun Obasanjo beyond 2007 refers. I believe that all Nigerians have seen and felt the great development his administration has brought to all sectors of the nation's economy - the telecom sector, the de-regulation of the down - stream oil sector, and the war against corruption, etc.

With the high tempo the President is pursuing his reforms, if he can as well tackle the problem of the judiciary, he would have written his name in gold for posterity. Already he has shown himself to be a man of history.

Again, President Obasanjo should continue to encourage our educated youths to come into politics so that they can take over from him in place of the aged men running the country now.

Lastly, Mr. President should give more room for entrepreneurship to grow in the country. This certainly will reduce un-employment in the land. This done, I think Nigerians should allow him to pursue his programmes to a logical conclusion.

Ahmed Adegbenro,438, Lobito Crescent,Wuse II, Abuja.

THE PUNCH, Friday November 04, 2005

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