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Rector faces probe over missing N54m

Posted by on 2005/10/31 | Views: 598 |

Rector faces probe over missing N54m

The Rector of the Federal Polytechnic, Oko, in Anambra State, Prof. Uba Nwuba, is now facing probe, following allegations that he cannot account for about N54 million.

The Rector of the Federal Polytechnic, Oko, in Anambra State, Prof. Uba Nwuba, is now facing probe, following allegations that he cannot account for about N54 million. The money was said to have been earmarked for the payment of pensions and other benefits of retired members of the institution's staff.

Investigations by our correspondent on Thursday revealed that two internal committees had been set up by the management of the polytechnic to investigate the level of Nwuba's complicity in the alleged scam. The committees headed by senior management staff have till next week to submit their findings.

Trouble started for Nwuba about weeks ago when officials of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission arrested him and some principal officers of the school. They were allegedly whisked away to Abuja and interrogated over the alleged embezzlement of the pensioners' money.

It was learnt from competent polytechnic sources that the EFCC's action was prompted by a petition the Chairman of the Pensioners' Association, Mr. Patrick Ofuegbu, wrote, alleging the complicity of the officials in the mismanagement of the N54million.

It was further gathered that, though they were released after interrogation, the rector was reportedly ordered to report to EFCC's Abuja office on a weekly basis until the completion of investigations into the matter. When a visit was made to the institution on Thursday, Nwuba was not in his office and officials said that he might have gone to Abuja again.

The Polytechnic's Public Relations Officer, Mr. Kalu Anene, however, confirmed that "one pensioner wrote a fictitious petition" against the rector. He said, "I cannot speak much on this matter because it is already before two separate committees of the polytechnic. Until the committees complete their assignment and submit their reports, I have no mandate to speak on this issue."

Anene added that the rector and the other officers suspected to have been involved in the scam were not arrested but "invited to Abuja by the EFCC for interraction."
"You should know that the fact of invitation does not suggest that the rector embezzled any money. The committees will look into the pensioners' account. It will be very easy to find out if anything is missing. Pensioners' money is like salary.

"People have their names there. Anybody whose money is not there, it will be very easy to detect. At the appropriate time, the polytechnic will issue an official statement on this issue. Please be patient and call back again."

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