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Govt, Microsoft okay pact for computers in schools

Posted by From Mohammed Abubakar, Abuja on 2005/10/04 | Views: 588 |

Govt, Microsoft okay pact for computers in schools

THE Federal Government yesterday took another measure at encouraging the study of Information Technology (IT) in the nation's school system when it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with computer giant, Microsoft.

THE Federal Government yesterday took another measure at encouraging the study of Information Technology (IT) in the nation's school system when it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with computer giant, Microsoft.

The pact will enable Microsoft to provide computer and Internet facilities to some select schools in the country.

The project, which is under the New Partnership for Africa's Development's (NEPAD) e-learning project, involves the donation of computer laboratories with Internet access, e-learning applications, training of teachers and students in the application of the processes.

The initiative, according to the Microsoft Vice-President, Mr. Ali Faramawy, is an indication of the organisation's determination to partner with the Nigerian government in the promotion of information technology in NEPAD countries for the modernisation and improvement of education.

Education Minister, Mrs. Chinwe Nora Obaji, who endorsed the deal on behalf of Nigeria, described the initiative by Microsoft as revolutionary in the history of education in Nigeria.

According to her, IT plays great roles in enhancing the delivering of education in any society through learning and teaching, as well as curriculum development, research and data management.

She lauded Microsoft for blazing the trail as an industry leader in IT through a number of innovative platforms that changed the way people work, communicate and interact.

She reiterated government's desire to work with Microsoft Consortium in the implementation of the NEPAD e-Schools laboratories project.

But she suggested that the company should disable access to unsavoury sites such as pornography on the Internet so as to reduce distractions and thus gain full utilisation of the laboratories.

"The Ministry of Education has had interaction with Microsoft in Nigeria and I am glad to mention the NEPAD e-learning project which is a donation of computer lab with internet access, e-learning applications, training and power solution in three Federal Government colleges in Nigeria, (i.e) Federal Government Girls' Colleges, Owerri, Imo State, Bakori in Katsina State and Federal Government Academy, Suleja, Niger State," she said.

As a mark of her personal commitment to the project, the minister announced that President Olusegun Obasanjo would perform the official commissioning of the first pilot school at the Suleja Academy next month and expressed appreciation to Microsoft and its staff for the contribution.

She hoped that Nigeria would benefit more from the organisation through some of the programmes being implemented in Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Faramawy, who was accompanied on the visit by some of the workes of the Nigerian office, noted that there were many aspects of the project, the first not only being the understanding of IT, but also the ability to use it in the learning process itself as well as utilising it in search of more information and working with one another in teams.

The Microsoft chieftain added that with the signing of the deal, the implementation was going to take-off in earnest, saying: "We are going to buy equipment, install them in schools, train the students, teachers, provide the curriculum that can allow them to learn with ease. It's just going to happen".

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