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Nmerukini, Nsiegbe commiserate with fire victims

Posted by By Tony Amadi on 2005/01/11 | Views: 593 |

Nmerukini, Nsiegbe commiserate with fire victims

The Mayor of Port Harcourt city local government, Chief Azubuike Nmerukini, and the House of Assembly member representing a PHALGA constituency, Hon. Charles Nsiegbe, have commiserated with victims of the fire disaster at Mile II in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital.

The Mayor of Port Harcourt city local government, Chief Azubuike Nmerukini, and the House of Assembly member representing a PHALGA constituency, Hon. Charles Nsiegbe, have commiserated with victims of the fire disaster at Mile II in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital.

The duo, who visited the scene of the incident, Friday, expressed great shock at the disaster and counseled the victims to ensure that the ugly mistake is not allowed to repeat itself.

He stated that he would brief the state Governor, Dr. Peter Odili as soon as he returns to the state and measures would be put in place to alleviate the sufferings of the people affected by the disaster, expressing fears, however, on the possibility of obtaining a roll call of the true victims of the incident.

The Mayor condemned the shanty nature of the burnt area, and hinted that no new structures would be erected in the place pending further instructions.

Hon. Nsiegbe, in his expression of sympathy to the victims, stated that the Mayor and himself had come to examine the scene physically to appreciate the extent of the damage. He regretted that the disaster occurred while the state Governor was out of the state, and promised to do all he could to ensure a better planning for the area, which falls within his constituency.

A victim who spoke to the Telegraph disclosed that the fire outbreak may have been caused by the live coal left after a woman had fried some food items. The flame, which blazed till it had razed all in its path, finally extinguished without the effort of men of the fire service whose fire-fighting vehicles could not access the area owing to the presence of slums which blocked access way to the area.

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