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5 Arrested over Attempt to Burn Atiku's Varsity

Posted by From Abel Orih Idoma in Yola on 2005/08/31 | Views: 593 |

5 Arrested over Attempt to Burn Atiku's Varsity

Adamawa State Police Commissioner, Alhaji Haffiz Ringim, yesterday confirmed the arrest of five suspects allegedly involved in an attempt to set ablaze ABTI-American University, Yola, as well as ABTI- Cyber Café, all belonging to Vice President Atiku Abubakar.

Adamawa State Police Commissioner, Alhaji Haffiz Ringim, yesterday confirmed the arrest of five suspects allegedly involved in an attempt to set ablaze ABTI-American University, Yola, as well as ABTI- Cyber Café, all belonging to Vice President Atiku Abubakar.

The commissioner said the suspects are under interrogation while large scale investigation is being carried out by the police to unearth other heinous crimes in the state.

According to him, a number of polythene bags containing fuel were found in the premises of the cyber-café probably with intention to be used by the suspected arsonists to set the business outfit ablaze, but for the timely intervention of the security outfit guiding the premises. However, no particular person was caught being in possession of the substance.

THISDAY investigation at ABTI Academy revealed that the Community Hall of the school worth billions of naira was equally nearly set ablaze by suspected careless cigarette smoking workers who left a lighted stump of the cigarette, which inflamed the carpet of the area but was quickly noticed and put off by a combined team of workers of the institution.

On whether the incidents have any link to political vendetta, the commissioner said it could not have been so, since those arrested have not made any useful statement to suggest such, stressing that however, the possibility cannot be ruled until the on-going investigation on the suspects is concluded.

The incidents coincided with hard news against Vice President as BBC news bulletin monitored recently stated that the United State government disclosed that federal agents have raided the Maryland home of the Nigerian Vice President, Atiku Abubakar since early this month.

A US congressman, William Jefferson was alleged to have some business dealings with the Vice President, act determined to be against the law of US government, and so a search was conducted in the premises belonging to Atiku where a business meeting between the duo was alleged to have taken place some time ago, with an intent to unearth some incriminating facts or documents.

Speaking on the security situation of the ABTI Academy and the cybe-café, the Director Public Affairs of the ABTI-American University Yola, Alhaji Abubakar Abba Tahir said, the incident has informed the decision to beef up proper adequate security to forestall future occurrence of such incidents, saying that though nothing tangible was lost to the whole incidents, it is a good signal to button up the security outfit of the ABTI establishments.

The Vice President Public Relations of the ABTI-American University Yola, Dr. Elspeth Smith denounce any correlation of the incident at the Community Hall of the institution to what took place at the cyber-café, which is located in Jimeta Metropolitan Council.

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