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Face-off between political gladiators in Tai...Police charge Mpigi's agents on falsehood

Posted by By Alloy Khenom on 2005/08/22 | Views: 610 |

Face-off between political gladiators in Tai...Police charge Mpigi's agents on falsehood

There seems to be no immediate end in sight to the current wrangling between some political big-wigs in the predominantly peaceful Tai local government area of Rivers State which came to light about two weeks ago.

There seems to be no immediate end in sight to the current wrangling between some political big-wigs in the predominantly peaceful Tai local government area of Rivers State which came to light about two weeks ago.

This is because, as was rightly predicted by this newspaper in one of its articles in last Monday's edition, one of the parties has taken a step further on the matter by opting for judicial adjudication.

We have it on record that the police has dragged two men described as agents to the immediate past chairman of the local government council, Chief Barinaadaa (popularly called Barry) Mpigi to court for conspiracy and misdemeanour.

For clarification, it is worth recalled how about two week ago, a group identified as Tai Concerned Citizens allegedly acted on the order of Chief Mpigi and petitioned against the incumbent chairman of Tai LGA, Dr. (Hon) Jacobson Nbina alleging misappropriation of council funds.

The petitioners had told Governor Peter Odili, the police and other relevant authorities that most projects to which the Dr. Nbina-led administration lays claims were, in reality, executed by Chief Mpigi and called for investigation to ascertain the truth.

The embattled incumbent chairman of Tai, Dr. Jacobson Nbina was Chief Mpigi's second-in-command during the later's tenure between May 1999-2003.

Document available with us explained that the police charged the two men to court after investigating their petition and discovered it to be untrue.

In the charge No. OMC/145c/2005, one Hon. Samuel Nsorne (43), identified as a former councilor during Mpigi's tenure, and Mr. Freeboy Nkpigi (35) are facing two-court charge before a Bori (Ogoni) Magistrate Court for conspiracy and giving false information.

Court one of the charges have it that, the accused persons by their conduct (conspiracy) committed an offence punishable under section 125 of the Criminal Code of Eastern Nigeria as applicable in Rivers State.

The duo, Hon. Nsorne and Nkpigi, according to count two, conspired with some other persons still at large and gave false information to law enforcement agents with intent to arrest, detain or injure Chief (Hon.) Jacobson Nbina.
Police said it would prosecute the accused persons under section 125A(1) (b) of the Criminal Code, Laws of Rivers State of Nigeria 2004.

Both offences were allegedly committed in the premises of one of the two men standing the trial, Hon. Samuel Nsorne.

They were charged on Friday, August 12, 2005 before a Chief Magistrate Court in Bori, presided over by Hon. C.N Wali.

The trial Magistrate, however, granted them bail and, also upheld an application by the defence counsel Barrister B.A. Gwezia, which sought the case to be settled out of court.

Barrister Gwezia pleaded with the court to grant his application having previously consulted with Dr. Nbina as the complainant and King G.N.K Gininwa, the first class traditional monarch of Tai kingdom on the issue.

This, he continued, was in addition to the fact that the both parties belong to the same political party, the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
The case was adjourned to September 7, this year for possible report of settlement.

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