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LongJohn warns NURTW against reckless driving

Posted by By David Hart on 2005/08/21 | Views: 589 |

LongJohn warns NURTW against reckless driving

The Chairman of the Bonny local government council, Warisenibo Rodaford O. LongJohn has warned all bus drivers and motorcyclists to apply caution in their day-to-day operations in the area.

The Chairman of the Bonny local government council, Warisenibo Rodaford O. LongJohn has warned all bus drivers and motorcyclists to apply caution in their day-to-day operations in the area.

The council boss who gave the warning during a joint meeting with the chairmen and secretaries of all units of National Union of Road Transport Workers Union in his office at Bonny explained that if caution was applied most accidents on the roads would have been avoided.

LongJohn lamented at the attitude of some drivers and 'okada' riders who had caused avoidable accidents that led to the death of innocent persons.
The council chairman noted that some of the drivers adopt excess speed even when they are in the main town where "we have children and elderly persons making use of the roads". He advised drivers to always abide by the traffic signs in order to minimize road accidents.

Hon. LongJohn warned company drivers in the area to limit their speed rate while in Bonny main town.

He urged okada riders to get their driving licence and avoid giving out their motorcycles to non-registered riders.

The chairman warned that any unregistered rider(s) found in reckless driving will be prosecuted according to the law.

He pointed out that insurance certificate would be provided on demand.
In his response, Mr. Lucky Hart noted that his unit had earlier embarked on defensive road safety driving with the aim of reducing accidents.
Mr. Hart appealed to law enforcement agents to checkmate okada riders, saying that most of them go on the road after they had undergone night duties in the companies.

Also speaking, Comrade Edward A. Hart, solicited for the support of the council's chairman to provide bumps and road signs at strategic places so as to reduce accidents in the area.

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