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PDP henchman in marriage

Posted by By Udede Jim on 2005/01/09 | Views: 606 |

PDP henchman in marriage

Three weeks after the chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Rivers State, Prince Uche Secondus (Total Chair) celebrated his marriage to Ene Secondus at Okrika, another top shot of the party will follow his steps in what promises to be a gathering of the high and mighty on 7th January, 2005.

Three weeks after the chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Rivers State, Prince Uche Secondus (Total Chair) celebrated his marriage to Ene Secondus at Okrika, another top shot of the party will follow his steps in what promises to be a gathering of the high and mighty on 7th January, 2005.

That day in Abonnema, headquarters of AKULGA, Alabo Opuda Gogo Batubo (JP), Vice chairman of the PDP in the Rivers State West Senatorial District will stop at nothing to celebrate the traditional Iya marriage to his wife, Mrs Opuine Opuda Batubo (nee Whitle Granville) at what admirers say will be a lavish ceremony.

The event, as contained in the invitation to guests, will take place on two separate days: on Friday, 7th January, 2005 at Granville's compound, Abonnema and then the grand finale will move to Buguma on Saturday, 8th January at Prince Batubo,s compound, both occasions are scheduled for 10.00am each day.

This marriage celebration is coming is close on the heels of another glamorous one in which Chief Batubo was a recipient of Great Africa Merit Award (GAMA) on 27th November in Abuja.

Members of the organizing committee, Elder T. Johnbull and Barr. Opubo T. West have assured dignitaries and other invited guests that adequate logistics and security arrangements have been replaced to facilitate a memorable two-day historical event of a prominent chief in Kalabari kingdom.

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