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Eight deaths in one week drive fear into Adeyemi College of Education

Posted by By Tunde Raheem, Akure on 2005/08/16 | Views: 608 |

Eight deaths in one week drive fear into Adeyemi College of Education

Students of Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo State, now live in fear, following the mysterious death of six of their colleagues and two lecturers, within one week.

Students of Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo State, now live in fear, following the mysterious death of six of their colleagues and two lecturers, within one week.

The incident, which occurred in the first week of July, was said to have forced the school authorities to seek spiritual help, as they declared a one -week of praying and fasting.

The students were also ordered to stay away from lecture rooms, while different religious groups in the school were asked to observe three days of ‘intensive prayers and fasting.'
Investigations revealed that a part II student of Business Education, whose names were given as Mr. Yemi Okibiorun, set the pace when he reportedly hanged himself in July 2, 2005.
As his colleagues were yet to recover from the shock of his tragic death, news came to them that another student had died few minutes after he complained of stomach upset.

The same week, two students of the college were also knocked down by a hit-and-run driver, along Ondo-Ore expressway. They reportedly died on their way to the hospital.
Shortly after that, a lecturer was involved in a fatal accident. He was said to have died on the spot, while one of his colleagues, who complained of' 'slight headache' died two days later.
The last day of the fateful week also witnessed the death of two students who, Daily Sun was told, died of unknown illness.
Some of the students, who spoke to the reportern said they were horrified by the mysterious deaths, adding that the school needed prayers to forestall future occurrences, while the key officers of the college declined to comment on the matter.

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