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Police eject 14yrs old, others from Nigeria Airways's property

Posted by By Kenneth Ehigiator on 2005/08/16 | Views: 580 |

Police eject 14yrs old, others from Nigeria Airways's property

IF 14-days-old Rosemary Oyelade had her way, perhaps she would have opted not to be born into this part of the world where the weak and helpless are left unprotected by the state.

LAGOS - IF 14-days-old Rosemary Oyelade had her way, perhaps she would have opted not to be born into this part of the world where the weak and helpless are left unprotected by the state.

For no fault of hers nor that of her family, she's being exposed to weather vagaries which, if not quickly resolved, may put her life in danger.

Little Rosemary has, for the last five days been living at the mercy of current inclement weather conditions, mosquitoes and other elements, following the forceful eviction of her parents from what used to be their official residence as Nigeria Airways staff.

Rosemary's problems started last Thursday afternoon when no fewer that 30 armed policemen, acting on the orders of Nigeria Airways' liquidator, Babington Ashaye and Co., stormed the 1, Remi Fanikayode Street, GRA, Ikeja, residence of the Oyelades and forced them out of their homes.

Not even pleas from the mother, Mrs. Dorothy, that they be considered for sake of the new born baby could touch the hearts of the security men, who gave every one living in the house twenty minutes within which to vacate the residence.

Other babies ranging from four to six weeks were equally evicted with their parents from other apartments occupied by Nigeria Airways staff on the same street.

Mrs. Oyelade said of the invasion: " This is what we are going through because my husband worked for Nigeria Airways. They (policemen) came and said you people should pack your load. They gave us only twenty minutes.

"Immediately I called my neighbour and with my baby and two other children, we were driven out of the house by the policemen who locked us outside since last Thursday's afternoon around 3:30pm."

Another victim, Ayo Aremu, who resides in house number 3A on the same street, told Vanguard he was actually on his way to see his sick mother when he ran into the policemen who locked him out since that Thursday's afternoon.

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