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Robbers attack church, hold priest hostage

Posted by By Evelyn Usman & Mayowa Oyewale on 2005/08/16 | Views: 597 |

Robbers attack church, hold priest hostage

Another robbery attack was at the wee hours of yesterday morning launched at the St Cyprain Catholic Church, Oko-Oba, Lagos, bringing to the fore, three robbery operations in Catholic churches within the state in two weeks.

LAGOS - Another robbery attack was at the wee hours of yesterday morning launched at the St Cyprain Catholic Church, Oko-Oba, Lagos, bringing to the fore, three robbery operations in Catholic churches within the state in two weeks.

However, nobody was killed in the operation but the Parish Priest, Reverend Father Stephen Enearu was said to have been held hostage for about two hours by the bandits who were reportedly armed with sophisticated weapons. The robbers said to have had a field day, carted away an unspecified huge amount of money including GSM handsets and other valuables.

Reports said the bandits numbering over five, stormed the Parish at about 2am, held the old security guard hostage before making their way to the Reverend Father's lodge which also doubles as the church's office. Father Enearu who was oblivious of the robbers presence was said to have opened his door when he heard the knock, only to be confronted by the robbers who asked him to cooperate with them.

They reportedly ransacked the parish priest's apartment and thereafter made for where the church's till and empty an unspecified amount of money into the bags they came with after forcefully collecting every GSM handsets they could lay their hands on and other valuables.

Reports said they eventually left the church premises at about 4am and zoomed off in an unmarked vehicle.

When contacted, the Lagos State Police Spokesman, Mr Olubode Ojajuni said there was no arrest as the Police were not informed on time, adding however that they were on the trail of the bandits.

Sad he, "the Reverend Father could not reach the police on time. He said he thought they came for prayers but later discovered that they were armed robbers. But nobody was killed and none was injured either".

It would be recalled that a similar robbery attack was two weeks ago launched at the St Dominic Catholic Church, Yaba , where a priest was shot dead by unknown gunmen.

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