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Plateau athletes sweep MTN marathon

Posted by Emeka Mamah on 2005/08/16 | Views: 585 |

Plateau athletes sweep MTN marathon

Athletes from Plateau State emeged winners at the 4th MTN Marathon Race which took place at Kaduna Zone.

Kaduna - Athletes from Plateau State emeged winners at the 4th MTN Marathon Race which took place at Kaduna Zone.

In the female category, Cecilia Cyril (20), a student of GSS, Bet, Pankshin local government came first out of the 3,005 people accredited for the early morning race. Cyril finished the 21-kilometer race at exactly 1hour, 26minutes, 15.59seconds to place first, thus going home with the N30, 000 price for the first female competitor.

Also Miss Neupunmwa Alex, (18), a student of Trinity Missionary College, Pankshin, came second and collected N20, 000 cash. She finished the race at 1hour, 27minutes, 45.03seconds, while the third athlete, Janet Dung, finished at 1hour, 28minutes, 23.47seconds. Her own price was N10, 000 cash.

In the male category, Jurbe Stephen came second, behind Danjuma Kopkuddi, (18), from Bauchi who won the first prize of N50, 000 and a handset at 1hour, 7minutes, 43seconds. Stephen won N30, 000 and a goodie bag while another indigene of Bauchi State, Wilson Ekpo, won the thrid position.

Speaking after the ceremony which took place at Ahmadu Bello Stadium, Kaduna, the Manager, Sponsorship, Events and Promotions MTN, Mr. Kazeem Abimbola, described Kaduna zone as the second best in terms of good roads for marathon, adding that MTN would increase the cash prices next year when MTN would celebrate its 5th regional marathon in the area.

Abimbola said MTN had taken note of all the shortcomings noticed in both Enugu and Kaduna regional marathons and would endeavour to improve on its performance.

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