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My retirement from Eagles final - Oliseh - If after 15 years as a pro, I still need Nigeria, then I didn't plan well

Posted by By Tony Ubani on 2005/08/16 | Views: 583 |

My retirement from Eagles final - Oliseh - If after 15 years as a pro, I still need Nigeria, then I didn't plan well

SPECULATIONS of a possible come-back to the Super Eagles by former Skipper Sunday Oliseh was finally rested yesterday when he said that he has retired from international soccer for good.

SPECULATIONS of a possible come-back to the Super Eagles by former Skipper Sunday Oliseh was finally rested yesterday when he said that he has retired from international soccer for good.

'For the umpteenth time, I have quit the national team. Those who are using my family members or close friends and associates to lure me back to the Super Eagles should desist because I have retired and cannot come back", the Genk player reiterated on a Brila FM Radio program. Oliseh's purported come-back alongside Taribo West has stirred the hornet nest with many seeing it as a welcome development while many others think otherwise.

Super Eagles coach, Augustine Eguavoen had also welcomed the news of Oliseh's return noting that he would accommodate him anytime he returns. But the former skipper sounded it loud and clear yesterday that he would not play for Nigeria, again. 'I think I have done my best for Nigeria and I thank Nigerians for the opportunity given me to serve my fatherland. Honestly, I don't have any desire of coming back to play for Nigeria. Before now, I had set a target for myself to quit international soccer after the World Cup in Korea/Japan.

And after the intrigues that saw me out of the World Cup, my decision on quitting still remains. It's unfortunate that some myopic people still think that I need to play for Nigeria to survive. If after 15 years in the game and I still depend on playing for Nigeria to survive, then, I didn't plan well. God has been kind to me to allow me play in some of the big clubs in Europe and I have established myself.

I think that it is time for other players to have their feel of the Super Eagles", Oliseh emphasised. He however regretted the difficult position the Eagles found themselves, heaping the blame on some greedy elements at the Nigeria Football Association. He also suggested a way out of the quagmire. 'Nigerians should ensure that all those old people who have always found themselves into football administration should be discarded. They are the ones killing the growth and progress of the game in Nigeria".

On the consortium of coaches headed by Eguavoen, Oliseh said it was a welcome development. 'It's ideal to see former players in-charge of national teams. It is in vogue and they should be encouraged. Personally, I know that Eguavoen, Siasia, Amokachi and Shorunmu have what it takes to handle the national team and I pray for their success". He wished the team well saying that he would be glad to travel to Germany with his son to watch Nigerian matches.

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