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Cleric calls for devoted living

Posted by The Port Harcourt Telegraph on 2005/08/08 | Views: 588 |

Cleric calls for devoted living

An exco member of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Rivers State and present Superintendent of United Evangelical Church (aka Qua Iboe Church), Rev. Sunday Ejeba, JP, has called all Christians to lead lives devoted to the glorification of God's name at all times.

An exco member of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Rivers State and present Superintendent of United Evangelical Church (aka Qua Iboe Church), Rev. Sunday Ejeba, JP, has called all Christians to lead lives devoted to the glorification of God's name at all times.

The cleric charged believers, while delivering a sermon penultimate Sunday at the Hospital Road, Port Harcourt branch of the Church, to symbolically suffer the crucifixion that Jesus Christ went through so that they can really appreciate the work of redemption that has been eternally fulfilled for the good of mankind.

According to Rev. Ejeba, all Christians require to have the burning desire to tread the path of righteousness, adding that one scripturally correct way to identify with the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ is by participating in the Holy Communion periodically, a pointer to the essence of righteousness.

Expounding the topic "The Heart the Man," the clergyman said, man, as God's creature, has allowed his heart to be bloodied by thoughts of hatred, slander, fraudulence, tribalism, deceit and corruption, all of which have combined to reduce the glory that God intended for mankind.

To move into higher echelons of glory in service, the Church Superintendent enjoined Christian faithfuls to imbibe the eternal teachings of Christ which will help even politicians to shun the bigotry and devilish acts that most of them engage in while chasing political power.

In a related development, the United Evangelical Church has held an extra-ordinary National Conference, with certain crucial decisions to move the denomination forward.

The conference ratified the change of name from Qua Iboe Church to United Evangelical Church, in line with the 2001 decision taken at Ogbor Hill Branch, Aba on February 18, 2005.

The Church also frowned at the reluctance of the former chairman, Rev. David N. Udoudom, to convene the required extra-ordinary meeting, pointing out that the decisions taken would empower the Committee of Incorporated trustees, working with the General Secretary and Area Conference Chairman to convene the Conference in the search for unity and harmony.

One of the highpoints of the conference was the removal of Dr. Udoudom for various unconstitutional acts such as renaming the office of Head of the Church as General Superintendent instead of chairman and for allegedly running the church into a spate bitter rivalry, rancour, and possible state of disintegration, while appointing his stooges and spiritually immature persons into positions of trust.

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