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PDP will crash soon unless …- Kalu

Posted by By UCHE USIM on 2005/08/08 | Views: 591 |

PDP will crash soon unless …- Kalu

Abia State Governor, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, has predicted that the ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP) will in a couple of months crash unless members converge in unison to rebuild it within the shortest possible time.

Abia State Governor, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, has predicted that the ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP) will in a couple of months crash unless members converge in unison to rebuild it within the shortest possible time.

Governor Kalu, in a chat with aviation correspondents weekend, said the prediction is coming on the heels of the internal rancour in the party.

His words: "Let me tell you, from the way they are going with this party called PDP, it'll only take months for it to crash if they don't take time. Unless they come back and rebuild it the way we started it. It should be strong and united like one big family.

'The party is about human beings and if human beings in the party are not there, there will be no PDP. You can see the evidence on ground. You know what the truth is and it's painful to be said. But I'm still going to be in PDP until it collapses," Kalu said.

On his 2007 Presidential ambition, the governor said he is fully on course, stressing that he has all it takes to contest the hot seat.

"I'm a major stakeholder in PDP and Nigeria politics in general. So, I've all it takes. Most people who say they can do it can't do it. This is two years to presidential elections, fear has not allowed anyone to come out because Obaanjo wants to stay back and it's a serious issue. Until he says he is not contesting before people will start coming out. When I said it three years ago that the president is working at getting a third term, they said I was a mad man. What I predicted three years ago is happening now. His third term bid is not acceptable to me and Nigerians as a whole," Kalu stated.

He however advised those contesting for the 2007 presidential elections to think, sleep and eat Nigeria as anything short of such selfless service is not acceptable. "If you're ready to lead Nigeria, you must also be prepared to die for Nigeria. Lose your business to Nigeria as I'm losing mine. So if you're not ready to die for Nigeria, then you should not be a part of Nigeria."
On the new South East/Middle belt romance, Kalu said the alliance is very good, pointing out that the friendship will work out for the benefit of Nigerians.

As regards the sanitation problem in Aba and its environs, Kalu assured that necessary machinery is being put in place to ensure that the sanitation problem is put to rest permanently.

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