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Racists axe black student in London over white girl

Posted by The Gaurdian on 2005/08/05 | Views: 580 |

Racists axe black student in London over white girl

A BLACK teenager parades the streets with a white lady! What disrespect!! That is a grievous crime and the offender must be taught a lesson. He must die, painfully and spectacularly!!!

A BLACK teenager parades the streets with a white lady! What disrespect!! That is a grievous crime and the offender must be taught a lesson. He must die, painfully and spectacularly!!!

That was the fate of Anthony Walker, a black teenager, who was axed to death by four white men in Huyton, Merseyside, London, at the weekend.

An axe was embedded in his skull in an unprovoked attack last Friday. The family is furious and in grief. The British Police have begun a manhunt for the four white men.

Walker, 18, an A-Level student, died in hospital. He had been taunted at the bus stop with his white girlfriend and the male cousin. They fled but were set upon in a park.

Police believe the killers are local, and want the community to give them up.

Walker had spent the evening with his girlfriend, who attended the same Sixth-form College in Huyton.

Merseyside Police said that as the couple waited for a bus outside a Huyton Park pub with Walker's cousin, they were subjected to a "torrent of racial abuse" by a man in his 20s wearing a hooded top.

Police want to trace two men who were seen talking to the man shortly after he hurled the abuse.

Walker and his companions did not retaliate to the abuse and left to find another bus stop. But they were followed and as they walked through McGoldrick Park, they were attacked by a gang of three or four men.

Walker's girlfriend and cousin saw a man carrying an axe bludge on him, and ran to get help. When they returned minutes later, they found him slumped on the ground with massive head injuries.

The axe was embedded in his skull.

Police hope CCTV footage from a camera just yards away from where Walker was attacked will provide vital clues.

Walker was taken to Whiston Hospital and later transferred to Walton neurological centre where he died at 0525 BST on Saturday.

Merseyside Police Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Lawson said: "What we are dealing with here is an unprovoked and vicious attack on a young black man which we believe to be racially motivated.

"This was a despicable act and we are absolutely determined to find the people responsible."

Lawson urged local people to help catch the killers.

"We believe the offenders are local and we believe it is the responsibility of the local community to give these people up," he said.

"There are a lot of decent people in the local area who are absolutely shocked at what has happened."

Police said there have been a series of racially motivated attacks in the area, and were not ruling out a connection.

Several floral tributes have been left at the scene of the murder.

Walker was a church goer who was also a keen basketball player. The BBC's Richard Wells said local people had told him that those who knew him said he "wouldn't hurt a fly".

Lawson added: "Anthony was a young Christian studying for his A-levels and wanting to be a lawyer.

"Those dreams for him and his family are now dashed."

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