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Youth body appeals to Obasanjo on Aguariavwodo issue

Posted by The Port Harcourt Telegraph on 2005/08/01 | Views: 594 |

Youth body appeals to Obasanjo on Aguariavwodo issue

The Niger Delta Youth Foundation (NDYF), has called on President Olusegun Obasanjo to revisit the suspension of Hon. Emmanuel Aguariavwodo as the Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).

The Niger Delta Youth Foundation (NDYF), has called on President Olusegun Obasanjo to revisit the suspension of Hon. Emmanuel Aguariavwodo as the Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).

The youth body which made the call in a release signed by Mr. Emmanuel Thomas and issued in Port Harcourt appealed to the president to discountenance the views of the Niger Delta Youth Movement and reinstate Hon. Aguariavwodo.

The body requested to know what offence Aguariavwodo committed for his suspension, noting that he (Aguariavwodo) had positively impacted on the lives of the people with the execution of water projects across the region, construction of access roads, establishment of cassava processing mills, skill acquisition programmes and electrification of communities.

NDYF also appealed to the president not to be persuaded by the views of some Nigerians who do not see good in the lives of others but use his good offices to tackle the issue dispassionately because of its explosive nature.

The youth body noted that it has been the stock of trade by such Nigerians to "say all kinds of things against our leaders in order to pull them down," saying that the malicious allegations leveled against Hon. Aguariavwodo by those it described as political touts were not sufficient reason to suspend their illustrious son from office.

It made reference to the issue of Governors Chris Ngige, James Ibori and NAFDAC boss, Mrs. Dora Akunyili upon whom all kinds of allegations were leveled with the aim of tarnishing their image.

The youth body also noted that such negative tendencies would only succeed in sowing the seed of discord resulting in wrangling and acrimony among the people.

The body explained that it decided to make the call considering the future of the youths who might turn out to be the victims of any tussle among political titans within the region.

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