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Policemen Arrested for Pipeline Vandalisation

Posted by From Daniel Ior in Makurdi on 2005/07/27 | Views: 579 |

Policemen Arrested for Pipeline Vandalisation

Five persons among them a police ASP and a Corporal have been arrested in Benue State in connection with the vandalisation of petroleum pipelines, just as a traditional leader was deposed for persistent vandalisation within his domain.

Five persons among them a police ASP and a Corporal have been arrested in Benue State in connection with the vandalisation of petroleum pipelines, just as a traditional leader was deposed for persistent vandalisation within his domain.

Three tankers loaded with petroleum products found in possession of the suspects have also been impounded.

Removal of the leader, Chief Ochai Olofu, clan head of Agbo Oke in Ohimini Local Government Area was announced by Och' Idoma, Elias Ikoyi Obekpa following what the traditional council described as Olofu's failure to check the recurring cases of pipeline vandalisation within his domain. This came on the heels of another vandalisation within the area.

The Och' Idoma while making the announcement expressed concern at the rate of vandalisation and said Idoma traditional council would now administer oaths on elders and leaders of vigilant groups in communities where vandalisation had become common.

Mr. Tony Ochenebi, Divisional Police Officer in charge of the area said five persons including the policemen from Auchi in Edo State, have been arrested for involvement in pipeline vandalisation.
He noted that the police had also impounded three tankers used by the suspects.

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