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Armed robbers invade Ogbunabali

Posted by The Port Harcourt Telegraph on 2005/07/20 | Views: 600 |

Armed robbers invade Ogbunabali

On Thursday, July 14, 2005, in the early hours of that fateful day, fear and terror flared like a wildfire in harmattan season, as a group of six hefty men, believed to be armed robbers, and armed with assault rifles, descended heavily on the area.

On Thursday, July 14, 2005, in the early hours of that fateful day, fear and terror flared like a wildfire in harmattan season, as a group of six hefty men, believed to be armed robbers, and armed with assault rifles, descended heavily on the area.

At about 1.00am the robbers struck at No. 59 Ogbunabali Road, Ogbunabali, located in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State, which houses Merry Bite, a new growing fast food restaurant and held the place hostage for over four hours and 30 minutes, amidst uninterrupted and sustained wild gun shots.

The men of the underworld gained entrance into the sprawling restaurant and after thorough search without getting any money left angrily unhurt. Residents who spoke to our correspondent after the fearful incident said no life was lost, but revealed that they must have invaded the area with motorbikes popularly called okada.

Surprisingly, a team of Mobile Policemen, soldier, and navy arrived the scene of the incident at about 5.00 am, when the robbery has ended they rent the atmosphere with deadly gun fire.

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