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Obasanjo Assures EFCC of Total Support

Posted by From Josephine Lohor in Abuja on 2005/07/19 | Views: 590 |

Obasanjo Assures EFCC of Total Support

President Olusegun Obasanjo yesterday pledged the 'undiluted support" of the Federal Government to Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

President Olusegun Obasanjo yesterday pledged the 'undiluted support" of the Federal Government to Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

The President made the pledge in a commendation letter he sent to EFCC Chairman, Nuhu Ribadu, for his successful conviction of Mrs. Amaka Anajemba, for the country's largest advance fee fraud by a Lagos High Court.

While commending EFCC for its "determined efforts to rid the country of all forms of corruption," the President said "the painstaking investigation and presentation of evidence before the Lagos High Court secured for you, EFCC, not just terms but the seizure by the court of all her assets."

The President described the conviction as 'evidence of quality work, dedication to duty, focused deployment of skills and quality leadership."
He therefore urged EFCC team not to rest on their oars, but challenged the team, saying 'this victory should energise you to work harder and attain greater and more convictions."

Obasanjo also said EFCC has 'in a few years of its existence, made an indelible mark in the fight against corruption. Our goal is to continue with this fight in the interest of our present and future."

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