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SEMB scribe commends Udenwa on new secretariat

Posted by The Port Harcourt Telegraph on 2005/07/07 | Views: 597 |

SEMB scribe commends Udenwa on new secretariat

Governor Achike Udenwa of Imo State has been given kudos for the successful completion of the new Imo State Secretariat along Port Harcourt road Owerri.

Governor Achike Udenwa of Imo State has been given kudos for the successful completion of the new Imo State Secretariat along Port Harcourt road Owerri.

The Executive Secretary, Secondary Education Management Board (SEMB), U .D. Edomobi gave the kudos when the Telegraph called at his office to know how civil servants in the state were accommodated in their new offices.

The scribe who did not out rule the existing comfort in the Secretariat, revealed that a few number of offices was their bane. This he said was the reason why half of his staff were still at the old secretariat while another half packed over to the new secretariat. Efforts he said were however been made to relocate them to the new place. "It is good to work as a team. I believe, before long, all of them will be accommodated here because it is not good to work in separation when you should work as a team. We commend the Governor for the one he has already done, and I believe in no distance time, our problem will be solved".

Edomobi, also said if the previous governments had done what Governor Udenwa had done, maybe the Governor would have been saddled with the responsibility of erecting an additional structure for the civil servants to be well accommodated. He added that with the spirit with which he did this one, if he had more money he would erect more.

On the possibility of having own structure like the SPEB, the scribe revealed that the FG erected the SPEB structure for them like in other states but he was of the belief that in future the state would give them that kind of structure or a similar one if government got more money. Secondly, he said the salary wage bill was too much for the government to bear. According to him, the governor "pays over N250, 000,000.00 monthly for SEMB staff salaries".

Asked to compare the old secretariat with the new one, Edomobi said, "there was a lot of space at the old one as about 95 rooms were being occupied by my staff, whereas here there is comfort but less accommodation which is why my staff are divided".

The secretariat which is now in use by all the ministries and some government agencies is a three storied, ten block complex, very close to the State House of Assembly and almost opposite the Federal Secretariat complex Owerri.

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