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Confab in stormy weather • This week tough for me, says Niki Tobi

Posted by By ANSELM OKOLO, Abuja on 2005/06/17 | Views: 586 |

Confab in stormy weather • This week tough for me, says Niki Tobi

For the second day in a week, the stance of the South-South delegates stalled proceedings at the national conference on political reforms forcing it to adjourn prematurely for another six days.

For the second day in a week, the stance of the South-South delegates stalled proceedings at the national conference on political reforms forcing it to adjourn prematurely for another six days. It will reconvene Wednesday next week.

Adjourning the session abruptly moments after the day's session began, chairman of Conference, Justice Niki Tobi said it was prompted by circumstances beyond his control and to allow delegates rest after days of working and meeting without enough time to sleep.

In a speech full of emotions, Tobi told conferees that the last one week had been particularly very difficult for him. He admitted he had been faced with very trying moments.
"But now, I know those that love me, those that love me are here," he said in apparent reference to the fact that South-South delegates, his closest brothers by geographical considerations were not present at the session.

Tobi, however, counselled delegates against throwing away the baby with the bath water and assured that the conference would arrive at the best decision for the country at the end of the day.
Refusing to join in yesterday's session, delegates from the South-South were keeping faith with their earlier resolution to stay away from the conference until their grievances on the derivation ratio recommended by the elders committee was corrected.

At a meeting with the elders committee of the conference, delegates from the South-South had given an undertaking to attend yesterday's session to state their grievances.
Rather than attend the session, the delegates departed Abuja en masse for their various states ahead of the adjournment by Tobi.

With the adjournment, delegates from the South East are bracing up to renew their call for the inclusion of the rotational principle and the single term option as the preferred system of presidentialism in the country.

"I have always said it that the single six year tenure is the best for the country. I hope that with more time available for consultations, that conference will take the right decision," Greg Mbadiwe told Daily Sun moments after the adjournment.

Also speaking, Obinna Ogba said the break will afford delegates the time to rest and think over the issues that nearly tore the conference apart.

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