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Port Harcourt: War breaks out as rival gangs shoot each oher

Posted by The Port Harcourt Telegraph on 2005/06/09 | Views: 591 |

Port Harcourt: War breaks out as rival gangs shoot each oher

Golden Kalio drove in his BMW through Bende Street oblivious of what was happening around him. From nowhere, according to eyewitnesses a blue bus appeared. Out came four men who wore short knickers.

War breaks out:
* Golden Kalio shot to pieces as Soboma's men strike
* Senibo George vanishes in style after gun-shot wound

Golden Kalio drove in his BMW through Bende Street oblivious of what was happening around him. From nowhere, according to eyewitnesses a blue bus appeared. Out came four men who wore short knickers.

They opened fire and moments after the high calibre guns they carried (some say they were general purpose machine guns), he was dead.
Our sources say the blue bus headed in the direction of "Abuja estate", off Creek Road, parked and the boys got out, leaving the vehicle for its driver who came later and drove away.

Meanwhile, along Bende Street those who ran after hearing the mid-morning gunshots returned to take cursory looks at the victim.
"Oh! It is Golden", one source exclaimed after identifying the dead man.
An Hausa man who was around the vicinity when the gun men opened fire did not die. But his legs got a better part of the bullets.

He was carried away in a wheelbarrow.

The police arrived the scene a little after the incident, took Golden's remains to the morgue and his car, they parked at the barracks.
It was the first time, since the return of peace that the guns would go into action.

Golden's friends did not waste any time. They immediately retaliated.
Senibo George, brother of Soboma George one-time ally of Ateke Tom entered the vicinity.

It is not clear if he knew about the killing of Golden. Some sources allege he may have been on a mission to confirm if Golden had died from the attack.
Others suggest he was in love and may have gone to see the one he hoped to marry.

A jeep, eyewitnesses told the Telegraph pulled up around the house he had found himself, somewhere close to Number Three Field.
They say he was shot and bundled into the car even as picked up speed and disappeared.

He has not been seen since.
The thinking is that he may already be dead.

Some say Golden was Ateke's number two man. Could it be that Golden was killed to send a message to the Vigilante leader?

Could it be Senibo was killed in retaliation for the death of Golden?
Could it be that those who swooped on Senibo moments after Golden was riddled with bullets believed Soboma may have a hand in what happened to Golden?

Golden was fingered. According to knowledgeable sources in the operation which flushed boys believed to be loyal to Soboma from the old township areas?
Could it be that Golden had to be punished for this?
Could it be that forces loyal to Ateke and Soboma might be the very ones engaged in the current fighting?

We may never know, but the coincidence of Senibo's disappearance on a day guns boomed and a day Golden died leaves investigators wondering.
As residents in the old township areas hit the mattress Monday evening out of fear, the Police swung into action.

Police sources say quite a good number of potential trouble makers may have been arrested.

On Tuesday, there were more gunshots within the old township areas, meaning cults with influence in the area may have decided to fight it out for good.
In Diobu and other parts of the city, Monday and Tuesday, life was still very normal, with people going about their normal business.

Thus far, cult groups in these areas, namely Klansmen and Degbam are still watching from the flanks.

There is no evidence that they are involved even as the old township area boils. But for how long can they stand on the fence?
Only time will tell.

What is known is that some moves to get them to support the groups at war in town may have begun. Will they swallow the bait and join?

Ateke's Vigilante may be worst hit by threats of deep rooted splits.

Boma George had been abandoned by his colleagues when he allegedly planned to set up a parallel group, meaning Asari may have a more compact group now than Ateke has
The security services aren't resting either.
They have stepped up surveillance and withdrawn to the drawing board to fashion out strategies they hope would contain the situation.

Although government have spoken yet, all the signs are that it is no mood to allow any one disturb the peace that it has worked so hard for.

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