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Nigerian youths storm Italy for Martins

Posted by on 2005/06/09 | Views: 600 |

Nigerian youths storm Italy for Martins

THEIR dream was to play football with their friend and idol, Super Eagles and Inter Milan's striker, Obafemi Martins. And to make it come true, eight young Nigerians left their homes and families in Africa and made the long trip to Italy.

THEIR dream was to play football with their friend and idol, Super Eagles and Inter Milan's striker, Obafemi Martins. And to make it come true, eight young Nigerians left their homes and families in Africa and made the long trip to Italy. It was an eventful journey, as someone had sold them an illusion at a high price, and they suddenly found themselves at Padua railway station without a penny in their pocket, and without knowing what to do.

One of them arrived from Austria, where he had played in a tournament. Through charity associations 'Amicizia', 'Pinocchio' and 'Mimosa', the Padua Local Council has 'adopted' six of them, and the local authorities of nearby city, Treviso, has done the same with the other two.

Each day, with their tutors, the Nigerians expressed their wish to meet and be reunited with Martins after the times spent together in Lagos.

Through the Padua local authorities, Inter wanted to help out, and invited the eight Nigerians to Angelo Moratti Sports Centre for a special day. And yesterday morning, the group of eight boys between the age of 16 and 18 were accompanied to Inter's training ground by Padua's vice major, Claudio Sinigaglia, and one of the boys' tutors, Lorenzo Panizzoli. The Nigerians watched the Nerazzurri train then posed for photos with Roberto Mancini and several players before the eagerly awaited meeting with Martins.

Out on the pitch, Martins gave each of his teamates an Inter number 30 shirt, then it was on to the press room where they all chatted for well over an hour about times spent together in Lagos.

"I'm pleased because I can see you're all well. I know they're helping you and all this is very nice. Be good, study, learn a trade, behave well, but don't stop playing football and be careful," said Martins to his Nigerian friends. "It's not easy to become a champion, and not everyone can reach the top level. You need to be humble and make the effort, but you are good, just like all the other boys who still live in Nigeria and don't have the chance to become professionals in Europe."

A martin remembered having played with two of them, and said they are very talented. Then, when it was time to say goodbye, the Inter Milan's striker said: "If you need anything, just call me."

A smile and a handshake to salute eight friends who were reunited at Inter, and who will certainly see each other again. At least a part of that dream has come true.

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