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Video club operators ban actor's face

Posted by By Justin Akpovi-Esade on 2005/06/03 | Views: 599 |

Video club operators ban actor's face

THE ban on popular actor Prince Jide Kosoko by video club operators is still on and would not be lifted until Kosoko shows some remorse.

THE ban on popular actor Prince Jide Kosoko by video club operators is still on and would not be lifted until Kosoko shows some remorse.

The position of members of the Video Club Owners Association of Nigeria (VCOAN) was communicated recently in an interview by its president Mr. Balogun Ajayi Martins.

Kosoko was issued an indefinite ban due to activities that was deemed detrimental to the well being of video club operators. Consequently, the operators would not touch any movie that has the face of Jide Kosoko on the cover jacket. "For the mean time, no member of VCOAN will touch any film that has Jide Kosoko on its jacket. This is the first stage to make him realise his wrong doing."

Any producer who contravenes this order would have similar fate befall him. "The ban so far has been effective. His (Kosoko) face does not appear on cover sleeves any longer, at least for now. If the situation does not change, we may have to ban him entirely, that is, nobody would touch any film that he stars in. I don't need to tell you the effect that would have on his career."

Kosoko's offence may not be unconnected to his activities as JACOFIC's co-ordinator, a body set up by members of the Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Practitioners, to fight movie piracy. JACOFIC about two years ago was embroiled in a bitter fight with video club operators who they accuse of pirating their works.

When contacted, Kosoko dismissed the claim of VCOAN. "I don't know anything about a ban," he declared.

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