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Pastor arrested after death of child

Posted by Sapa-dpa on 2005/05/30 | Views: 727 |

Pastor arrested after death of child

Police in south-western Nigeria arrested a pastor and two others on Monday over their apparent involvement in the ritual killing of a seven-year-old boy.

Abuja - Police in south-western Nigeria arrested a pastor and two others on Monday over their apparent involvement in the ritual killing of a seven-year-old boy.

Commissioner of police in Ekiti State, Bashir Azeez, said the suspects have already confessed to the killing of the boy, whose headless body was exhumed from a pit in the home of one of the arrested men.

Azeez said the suspect in whose home the victim's body was recovered led a police team to a church, where the boy's head was recovered from a pastor.

He said the suspects told police they kidnapped the boy last week and killed him on the advice of the pastor, who directed that they produce the head of a child for a money-making ritual. -

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