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Okija: Group Asks for Ngige's Resignation

Posted by By Oke Epia on 2004/08/26 | Views: 594 |

Okija: Group Asks for Ngige's Resignation

Following the renewed controversy over whether or not Governor Chris Ngige of Anambra State was a visitor to the shrines in Okija, the Igbo Leadership Forum (ILF) has called on him to resign from office on "moral grounds."

In a statement signed by Dr. Eustace Ejikeme, the group said the fact that the governor is being speculated as one of those who patronised the shrine "has vindicated our position that Dr. Ngige lacked both the moral courage and electoral mandate to occupy the office of governor."

"We have always insisted since the outbreak of the political crisis in Anambra that given the role he owned up to have played when he was scheming to be the candidate of the PDP, Ngige is neither fit nor can be made so by whatever consequences he suffered by breaching an agreement, to be governor of the state."

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