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Police Set to Dismiss Ribadu

Posted by By Jide Osokoya on 2008/11/24 | Views: 595 |

Police Set to Dismiss Ribadu

The Nigeria Police may have concluded plans to dismiss the embattled former chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mr. Nuhu Ribadu, if information reaching P.M.News is anything to go by.

The Nigeria Police may have concluded plans to dismiss the embattled former chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mr. Nuhu Ribadu, if information reaching P.M.News is anything to go by.

A highly placed police officer in Abuja, revealed to P.M.News this morning, that the demoted police officer was expected to have thrown in the towel since he was demoted, but he refused.

'All the ill-treatments being meted out to Ribadu were aimed at frustrating him to resign from the police, but the man is so stubborn that he remained adamant.

'I must tell you that the powers that be tactically waited for him to conclude his course at the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), before unleashing the final blow on him. His humiliation at the graduation ceremony of NIPSS did not come to us as a surprise,' the source stated.

It was further gathered that Nuhu Ribadu's decision to take the Police Service Commission (PSC) and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to court, for his demotion, worsened his case in the Presidency.

His humiliation, yesterday, at the NIPSS graduation ceremony, P.M.News gathered, was as a result of his refusal to wear his uniform to the graduation ceremony, a tradition for graduating military and paramilitary students of the institute.

On this development, Ribadu was quoted to have said he was confused on which rank to wear, whether that of his demoted rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) or that of the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG).

P.M.News sources confirmed that the police had made up its mind to dismiss Ribadu, if he refuses to resign voluntarily.

The Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Sir Mike Okiro, has invited Nuhu Ribadu to his office in Abuja, tomorrow, and the meeting may not be unconnected with the final decision on the plight of the embattled police officer.

A close source to Ribadu revealed to P.M.News that the former EFCC boss may not attend the meeting.

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