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Keyamo Carpets Yar'Adua On Ministerial Nominees

Posted by By Tokunbo Olajide on 2008/11/24 | Views: 582 |

Keyamo Carpets Yar'Adua On Ministerial Nominees

Lawyer and activist, Festus Keyamo, has picked holes in the list of ministerial nominees now being screened by the Senate.

Lawyer and activist, Festus Keyamo, has picked holes in the list of ministerial nominees now being screened by the Senate.

Keyamo said '90 per cent of those on the list do not deserve to serve in public office for now,' adding that the upper house should reject those without any pedigree. Those on the list include former petroleum minister, Alhaji Rilwan Lukman; former Ebonyi state governor, Sam Egwu and NAFDAC boss, Prof. Dora Akunyili.

Apart from Akunyili, who Keyamo said, 'deserves some higher responsibility, having performed well at NAFDAC,' other names like Lukman, he declared, were 'a case of recycling old war horses and old names in government.

'In other words, we are not going to have a fresh input and injection of fresh ideas into government, with names like Rilwan Lukman on the list,' the lawyer told P.M. News in a telephone interview.

The activist said Yar'Adua was playing politics with those he proposed as ministers, adding that 'he should have invited pure technocrats, and people purely outside party politics.'

According to Keyamo, 'It would appear that Yar'Adua is not conscious of the urgency of the time and his assignment, with those on the list.

'It portends for his government a bleak immediate future in terms of performance, because he appears not to be ready to inject fresh blood into government.'

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