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TRACE Clamps Down On Motorists, Traders

Posted by The PM News on 2008/11/09 | Views: 585 |

TRACE Clamps Down On Motorists, Traders

The zonal commander of Traffic Compliance Emergency Agency, TRACE, Ijebu zone, Commander Ajibade Adekunle, has warned motorists that park haphazardly on the main road and display their wares along the road to desist from the act or face the wrath of the law.

The zonal commander of Traffic Compliance Emergency Agency, TRACE, Ijebu zone, Commander Ajibade Adekunle, has warned motorists that park haphazardly on the main road and display their wares along the road to desist from the act or face the wrath of the law.

Speaking with P.M.News, the Zonal Commander said: 'We have concluded plans to commence the operation. The operation has been carried out in Abeokuta, Sagamu and other parts of Ogun state and we have written to those concerned to remove their vehicles and other displayed materials on or before 18 November, 2008.

'We are set to move from Mobalufon, in Odogbolu local government council, to Ijebu-Ode local government council and then Imowo, in Ijebu North East local government council. We shall remove all vehicles and goods displayed on the road. Vehicle dealers have also been informed to vacate the road to allow for free flow of traffic. Failure to respond to this simple instruction would be met with stiff action as vehicles would be towed at owners' risk. It will be a big operation'.

Meanwhile, the TRACE commander has warned motorists not to drive against the traffic and obey all traffic regulations to avoid accidents during the yuletide.

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