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Fashola, Daniel Mourn Orlando Owoh

Posted by By Kazeem Ugbodaga on 2008/11/06 | Views: 607 |

Fashola, Daniel Mourn Orlando Owoh

Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos state and his Ogun state counterpart, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, have expressed shock at the demise of legendary highlife musician, Dr. Orlando Owoh.

Governor Babatunde Fashola of Lagos state and his Ogun state counterpart, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, have expressed shock at the demise of legendary highlife musician, Dr. Orlando Owoh.

Fashola said he was sad when he heard of Owoh's death. He described him as an exceptional human being, whose musical talents remained unrivalled till the very end.

In a condolence letter to the deceased's wife, Shade, the Lagos state governor said Owoh's passage to the great beyond had left a big vacuum which would be very difficult to fill.

He described Owoh's brand of highlife music as inimitable, adding that he was filled with memories of his rich contributions to national development through his strong messages against socio-cultural and political ills.

'As a true African music ambassador, whose pure, indigenous danceable rhythm has remained evergreen across social classes, Dr. Owoh would always be remembered for his impact on our national cultural growth.

'The life of Owoh should also inspire the younger generation to greater productivity and creativity. As a patriot, he enlisted in the Nigeria Army during the civil war. He was an artiste who consistently worked hard to realise his dream and strove to be creatively different,' he stated.

In his own message, the governor of Ogun state, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, described Owoh's death as unfortunate. Chairman, Ijebu East Local Government, Amb. Tunde Oladunjoye, who visited the late musicians' family to deliver the governor's condolence message, said Owoh was a great musician, whose unique brand of music endeared him to many.

'Though he is gone, his memory will continue to live with us. He combined a unique voice with a special music. His death was really unfortunate,' he said.

Oladunjoye described the death of the highlife maestro further as a great loss. 'It is a colossal loss to the arts and culture community because he was an embodiment of talent, a composer, guitarist, producer and multi-talented instrumentalist,' Oladunjoye, who was a management adviser to the late musician's recording label, Owoh Records, said.

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