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Booze Flows At Orlando's Home:'We Are Not Mourning' - Son

Posted by By Olatunji Saliu on 2008/11/06 | Views: 598 |

Booze Flows At Orlando's Home:'We Are Not Mourning' - Son

Mourners who thronged the Agege, Lagos, residence of the late highlife musician and African Kennery King, Oladipupo Owomoyela, a.k.a. Dr. Orlando Owoh, to sympathise with his family yesterday, went on a drinking spree to celebrate his life.

Mourners who thronged the Agege, Lagos, residence of the late highlife musician and African Kennery King, Oladipupo Owomoyela, a.k.a. Dr. Orlando Owoh, to sympathise with his family yesterday, went on a drinking spree to celebrate his life.

When P.M.News visited his residence yesterday, mourners who are mostly young fans of the deceased musician were seen drinking beer.

While some elderly fans stood in groups discussing the life and times of the musician, others, especially friends of the children of the deceased, were seen guzzling beer and smoking.

Speaking with P.M.News, Kudaisi, one of the deceased's sons, said his late father had achieved so much in life, hence, it calls for celebration. 'We are not mourning, but rather celebrating his life,' he said. He added that the family was planning to give the music legend a befitting burial.

P.M.News learnt that the Ifon, Ondo state, indigene was survived by about 18 children and many wives. It was gathered that some of the children and their mothers live in Lagos, while others reside in Ondo state. Several others are based abroad.

Investigations revealed further that all his children, both at home and abroad, had been informed of his death and a meeting to discuss his burial would be held today.

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