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Ile Eru In Court Again

Posted by The PM News on 2008/10/21 | Views: 582 |

Ile Eru In Court Again

In a bid to recover money owed him by a convicted drug baron, Alhaji Akindele Ikumoluyi, a.k.a. Ile Eru, a Lagos businessman, Mr. Ismail Yusuf, has filed an application before a Lagos high court, seeking an order to enable him serve the court processes on him in prison custody.

In a bid to recover money owed him by a convicted drug baron, Alhaji Akindele Ikumoluyi, a.k.a. Ile Eru, a Lagos businessman, Mr. Ismail Yusuf, has filed an application before a Lagos high court, seeking an order to enable him serve the court processes on him in prison custody.

Mr. Yusuf, in an affidavit sworn to by Mr. Dayo Faleti and filed before the court by Barrister Keshiro Lawal, the deponent alleged that the suit was instituted against Alhaji Ikumoluyi on 31 May, 2006, but attempt to serve the court processes on the defendant by the court bailiff was stalled by officers at the Ikoyi Prisons.

Mr. Yusuf, who sells building materials, alleged that he supplied building materials worth N3,449,500 to Ikumoluyi, but the defendant only paid N1,449,500 and failed to liquidate the balance of N2 million.

The claimant averred that rather than paying the outstanding debt, the defendant threatened to kill him.The claimant said he lodged a complaint at the Zone II Police Station, Onikan, where the defendant later signed an undertaking to pay the balance of the contractual sum due to him, but has so far failed to pay.

The claimant averred further that he has suffered severe economic misfortune as a result of the wrongful deprivation of the business capital, which the defendant illegally continues to withhold from him. The claimant urged the court to order the defendant to pay him N2 million being the balance of the sum owed him by the defendant and interest on the sum, at the rate of 21 per cent per annum, from 31 July, 2004, till judgement is given.

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