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Kerosene explosion makes man a monster

Posted by By FEMI FOLARANMI, Yenagoa on 2005/05/24 | Views: 584 |

Kerosene explosion makes man a monster

A thirty-nine-year-old carpenter, Abedinigo Agberho from Ofoni Sagama of Bayelsa state was looking forward to a transformation of his low status but ended up hopeless as he was disfigured by killer kerosene fire.

A thirty-nine-year-old carpenter, Abedinigo Agberho from Ofoni Sagama of Bayelsa state was looking forward to a transformation of his low status but ended up hopeless as he was disfigured by killer kerosene fire. Daily Sun gathered that Agberho had bought kerosene on Saturday, April 30.

In his attempt to pour it into his lantern, a devastating explosion followed what took the man to the borders of the great beyond.
Agberho, who spoke to Daily Sun, narrated his story:

"I bought the kerosene at Mbiama/ Yenagoa road. As I came home and tried to light the lantern, it exploded on my body. I couldn't go to the hospital because there was no money. It was my brother that has been treating me at home. I just want the government to help me because this pain is unbearable"

Commenting, Agberho's wife said: "since the day this thing happened, I have not been myself. I want the owner of the filling station to support the family in the treatment. Even now feeding is difficult. My husband is a mere carpenter. His present condition has forced the family to borrow money from cooperative society."

Agberho's neighbour, who simply identified herself as Martha, confirmed to Daily Sun that it could not be ruled out that the kerosene the man bought could be adulterated. According to her, she escaped similar accident, having bought kerosene from the same fuel station.

However the management of Unless God Petrol has denied selling adulterated kerosene. It has gone ahead to challenge the man to prove he actually bought the product from any of its stations.

However, the management of the station has denied selling adulterated fuel. Its co-ordinator said to demonstrate its innocence, management of the petrol station has concluded arrangement to invite the Department of Petroleum Resources, DPR and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) to take a sample of the kerosene for lab analysis.

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